Saturday, August 18, 2012


In an effort to become more healthy, I have decided that I was going to acquire the taste of seltzer. Now, honestly, I thought it was going to be worse than it is but in fact I have been enjoying it a lot. It all started at my friend's house a couple of weeks ago when I tried it and thought eh, not so good but tolerable. So, I've been working at it and in fact, I like it! Even plain seltzer. I'm exploring different brands and finding that I no longer notice the dreaded after taste I once did. I'm feeling great! So, although my beloved diet Pepsi is still my drink of choice, I do know that it is not healthy despite not having any calories. As far as following my program, things have been excellent in the last couple of weeks. of course I miss real food but I know how important it is to be healthy, which is what this is all about. I feel successful not only because I have shed a few pounds already but because I feel amazing! I don't feel weighted down by unnecessary things in my body or having over eaten. I feel the way I should. Furthermore, work has gotten busier which has me thinking less about what I'm not eating and focusing more on what I have been. The best part of all this is that I feel like my goal is attainable. I can do this!! Nothing tastes as good as healthy feels!!

Monday, August 6, 2012

Day 1

So, Day 1 has come and gone and guess what? I made it!! Despite wanting to cheat, I was sure to be careful not to and stick to my plan. What kept me going was simply, I CAN DO THIS!! I WILL NOT FAIL!!! I think about all the times where I have tried valiantly to lose weight. I literally have tried everything. You name it, I've tried it. Some were more successful than others but the bottom line is that at a certain point, I simply couldn't do it anymore. Nine times out of ten the diets were too restrictive and were unsustainable or required too much planning and preparation - which I simply did not have time for. I would try for a few weeks and then boom, it would be down hill from there and I would gain it all back. Well, not this time. I am determined to see this through. I have approximately a month and a half before Rosh Hashana. I can make this happen. Yom Tov will be hard but we will figure it out when it gets closer. Even having followed my plan for one whole day, I feel SO much better. I feel not weighed down or over stuffed. I feel good. This is the cleansing process. Two more days and then we start with fat-burn. So here's to my new way of life - Nothing tastes as good as healthy feels!!

Sunday, August 5, 2012

If Not Now, When?

There is a famous Jewish saying that teaches us to take opportunities as they present themselves because if you do push them off, chances are they won't be there again. This is something I try to live by in all areas of my life and what better time than now than to apply that principle to my new personal goal of being healthier. So, after writing my initial post, I looked online to see where my BMI level was at. Suffice it to say that we are in a VERY NOT healthy category but nonetheless, instead of looking at my lot and feeling despair, I decided to take actual steps toward a healthier me...I cleaned out my fridge - which wasn't such a big deal but required some effort. I threw out things that I know are not allowed on my plan. It felt good; productive. I will make this goal achievable. I WILL NOT FAIL!! I KNOW I can do this!! In fact as I was cleaning the fridge and putting away some other items, I recalled the time when I was on my way to being healthy and how I loved the way I felt. Unlike the weighed down feeling I feel now. I am determined to do this and if I have to blog about every little thing just to give me the strength to get there, well then so be it! Tomorrow will be my official day one. I look at today as my mental preparation day, so that when I wake up tomorrow I feel strong and confident that this is achievable!! Nothing tastes as good as healthy feels!

I Can Do This!

Life always presents us with an inordinate amount of things that need to get done on any given day. It is our duty to then take those things and prioritize them and decide what gets done and what simply won't. I work a busy job that often leaves me up at all hours of the night, trying to balance a social life, working towards a doctorate and of course the every day things like grocery shopping, paying bills, staying in touch with family and and....the list goes on... and, oh, I almost forgot, looking for a potential spouse - the ever exciting dating scene - which not only eats up time but emotions as well. So, if you noticed on that list, no where did I say I spend time every day becoming healthy. Well, the time has come. I've pushed this off for 20 years of my life and I will push it off no longer. I spent the weekend with a friend who lost almost 90 pounds and she did it with simple determination and love and support from her family. I looked at her and was amazed at her resolve and I decided right then and there that if she could do this, there was no reason why I couldn't. So, this is where I begin. I have a plan all worked out and a health coach to help me on my journey. This time I will not fail. I kind of just got the chills when I wrote that line but I think the more times I say it, I will believe it. I will not fail...I will not fail...I will not fail..... So, here's hoping! Nothing tastes as good as healthy feels! I CAN DO THIS!